Stort overskud og sikkerhed
Vedkommende, interessante og udtryksfuld arrangementer
Thomas Christiansen
organist i Sjelle Kirke
Må godt nok sige, at jeg ved CV synger virkelig godt, men i
går overgik alt... efter min mening.
Det var simpelthen stort, hjertevarmt og musikalsk sublimt at nyde jeres smukke musiceren til de 9 læsninger i går i Sjelle.
Karen Bidstrup
Organist, Ormslev Kirke
Really this
CD is a masterpiece. All is perfect, beautiful texts also in the cover,
beautiful presentation and lay out… A real diamond in the world of the choir
Bravo for this CD with only masterpieces. I don’t know what I must admire the
most; all pieces are of a fantastic level. Schnittke is a revelation and Pärt
again a source of inspiration and mediation, Vasks again with beautiful
The quality of the recording is also exceptional for a
choir recording. I don’t find the exact words, I can only say: this is
beautiful and a joy for ever.
Jean-Pierre van Avermaet
Secretary general at FECU-EFCU
"Smagfuldt og helstøbt – et meget fint repertoire og sunget rigtig skønt. Gode stemmer der absolut har kompetence til dette repertoire.
Jeg er speciel begejstret for Jeres Pärt – fortolkninger!!
Hjertelig tillykke med dette fine resultat, Michael.
KH fra din kollega. Mogens"
Mogens Dahl
"Although the Danish choir Collegium Vocale and their Bulgarian conductor Michael Deltchev cover a wide range og repertoire, they specialise largely in music of Scandinavia and the Baltic States, and it is this diverse resource of choral music that drives this, their first disc. Largely made up of professionals, Collegium Vocale nevertheless has an outer ring og singers of varying degrees of amateur to semi-professional experience.
The high point of the recording is the Schnittke: a set of three miniatures written towards the end of his life, unusually not as austere as much of his work of that period.
They are more exposed than many of his earlier works and Collegium Vocale's performance of these sincere pieces is wrought into something warm and loving."
Caroline Gill
GRAMOPHONE, October 2014
"This is a beautiful CD with hugely attractive music, performed with distinction and obvious attention to detail. The sound quality is excellent."
John France
MusicWeb International
"Stor brilliant vellyd... Tak for en herlig koncert her i aften i Harlev Kirke. Håber på mere en anden gang."
Bedste hilsener,
Carsten Damgaard
“Var på Aros i går og hørte jeres koncert. Jeg er dybt imponeret. Smukke stemmer, god korklang med en fin balance, fantastisk god frasering med en rigt varieret dynamik og et repertoire lige efter mit hoved”….”og jeg er dybt misundelig på jeres dirigent, der har sådan et materiale at arbejde med”.
Tak for en smuk koncert!
Christian Madsen, korleder
Kyndelmisse-koncert i Ginnerup Kirke